How to Decide If You Want to Get a Long-Haired German Shepherd

How to Decide If You Want to Get a Long-Haired German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a high profile dog breed that is often seen acting as a guide dog for a blind person or accompanying a police officer. A German Shepherd is an excellent choice for these duties as it is highly trainable. It makes a good pet too, even if you don’t have a medical or physical need. 

How to Decide If You Want to Get a Long-Haired German Shepherd

Keep reading to find out how to decide if you want to get a long coat German Shepherd

  1. Consider a long coat German Shepherd if you need a watchdog or just enjoy the company of a large dog. It is important to remember, however, if you are not properly trained, a German Shepherd can mean for you and your family. A well-trained German Shepherd gets along with children and other animals, but there is no risk in getting a German Shepherd if you are not sure if he had proper training.
  2. Decide if you can fit a German Shepherd with 22 to 26 inches high and 75 to 85 pounds weight. If you are going to let the dog spend a lot of time indoors, you need a medium or large house with room for the dog to move around. 
  3. Choose a German Shepherd for a low maintenance dog. Running is very difficult during the summer and requires brushing, but only needs to bathe infrequently and requires no adjustments.
  4. Learn about the personality of a German Shepherd. German shepherds get along well with their families and need to spend time with them, but they are usually tired of strangers and do not make friends quickly. The breed needs a much more mental stimulation than most races. Considerable time should be given to a German Shepherd who he trains to perform obedient duties, tricks or play demanding games in order to keep him stimulated and happy.